Things I’ve made.
I’ve worked on tons of little projects over the years but these are the ones that I’m most proud of. Each project showcases my skills and creativity, and highlights the technologies and techniques I used to build them. This page will give you a good sense of my capabilities and the types of projects I'm passionate about.
TypeScript Node Package Template
A quickstart-friendly TypeScript template with comprehensive formatting, linting, releases, testing, and other great tooling built-in.
This One's On Us
A modern, accessible, and responsive podcast website. Created using the RSS feed with Next.js and Tailwind.
Restaurant Ordering
A full stack web application for ordering food. Complete with authentication, content management, and Stripe checkout.
Playlist Generator
Generate Spotify playlists by entering a year and genre. Created with OAuth, Firebase and React.
HomeSmart Landing Page
A Tailwind landing page for a Smart Home phone application.
A telecommunications blog created with Gatsby, GraphQL, and styled-components.
Frontend banking application. Implemented using React, Bootstrap, Context, and hosted on AWS.
Full Stack To Do List
Taking to do apps to the next level with authentication and PostgreSQL. Created with Next.js and Supabase.