What's on my mind.

Thoughts on programming, design, music, travel, and more.

Relational Databases

Relational databases offer a structured and efficient approach to data management, enabling businesses to store, retrieve, and analyze data with integrity and scalability.

Contributing to Template-Typescript-Node-Package

My experience contributing to an open source project called template-typescript-node-package. I switched to a newer package for CLI prompts and learned about handling merge conflicts and working on larger projects.

Refactoring UI

Refactoring UI is a guidebook that teaches developers how to create visually appealing user interfaces using specific tactics explained from a developer point-of-view.

Ten Principles of Good Design

Dieter Rams developed his ten principles of good design in 1971. They are still relevant today. Here is a summary of his principles and how they can be applied to web design.

My Jump Into TypeScript

I recently decided to dive into the world of TypeScript. I must say, I`m really enjoying the experience so far.